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Feature Update: Administrator Passwords View

This update to the web interface for maintaining Administrators makes it easier to view and add new authorized users to the system.

We have added some new user functionality to the web interface that makes it easier to view, update, and add new administrators to the system. This is part of our ongoing effort to improve the user experience.

  • Administrators can now quickly see if credentials have been set up for each admin right from the list view. Additionally, the system indicates whether an admin has the ability to log in or lacks an internal contact record.

  • When adding a new administrator, you will notice a slight enhancement in the screen layout. For agencies that use Single Sign-On (SSO), the Sign-On Type options will now clearly display the choice between setting up the administrator with a username and password or using SSO.

  • Assigning a Role to administrators and restricting them to specific groups has been simplified, enhancing your ability to manage their permissions effectively.

Administrators should only be assigned to specific groups if you want them to send messages exclusively within those groups. This assignment does not grant them the ability to receive alerts; instead, it enables them to send alerts. It is advisable to restrict them to designated top-level or sub-groups to streamline communication effectively.