Import Files: Data Management Tool

This guide will give step-by-step instructions for importing all of your user, facility, and metadata files by using our webtool Handweave.

  1. Navigate to:
    1. Use your existing Konexus login credentials to login

  2. Under “Settings” on the left hand navigation panel, select “Data Management”
    Data Management
    1. From here you will select what type of data you want to import (User, Facility, or Metadata).
    2. If this is an upload you have done before and have already mapped column names, please select the “Use Defaults if Available” checkbox.
    3. Click “Next”

  3. Upload your files through the “Upload Additional Files” option
    1. Multiple files can be uploaded at once from your system. If you do, a primary file will need to be selected by clicking the star icon next to the file.
      Upload Additional Files - Primary File
    2. Click “Import Selected Files” after upload is complete

  4. Map the file columns to known fields by clicking the dropdown menu and choosing the corresponding option.Dropdown menu
    1. If you had selected “Use Defaults if Available” you will not have to do this step as the mapping will be done automatically.
    2. You can create a new field with the “Create New Field” option If you do not see the option you are looking for in the dropdown menu
    3. Once all fields have been mapped, click “Next”

  5. Preview all expected changes and possible issues with any file imports.
    1. If there is an issue during the file import process, a message will appear where you can either ignore the error or cancel the import process.
    2. You will need to look over what changes will be made and confirm them with the checkboxes.
    3. If you would like these settings to be used again for future uploads, please select the “Update the default transforms for future imports” option.
    4. If everything looks good, click “Ok”
      Default transforms for future imports
    5. A page giving a summary of the changes again will show where you can preview what is being changed through the “Transformed File Preview” dropdown.
    6. If other types of data still need to be uploaded, please go back to the “Import Data” steps before moving onto “Build/Deploy Data”

  1. Once you have all your data uploaded go to “Build/Deploy Data”  
    1. Check “Backup Existing Configuration” (checked by default) - in case you have to restore the data you are about to override.
    2. Click “Build Resources"

  1. It shows you a summary of all of the changes.
    1. If everything looks good, click “Go Back” > Then Click “Deploy”


**If something got deleted by accident, you can use the “Backup/Restore” function. First download, then upload, then run it, which will allow you to go back to a previous backup.**