IPAWS Alert History

Alert and Feed History is available in the IPAWS interface.

Alert History and Feed History allow administrators to review the results of previous alerts, update, resend or save new templates based on previously sent messages.

The Feed History allows administrators to see messages that may have been received by other COGs through COG to COG messaging.


On the alert history screen, historical alerts can be found for the last 3 years.  Each message is indicated whether it was a LIVE or DEMO alert, event code, subject/event type, channels, from email, and date sent.


Clicking on any historical alert will show you all the audit information such as Alert Type, Alert Settings, IPAWS-OPEN status (was the message successful), message content, and geographical area.


At the top of each alert, you will see the ability to Cancel, Resend, or Update the alert.

Cancel Alert - This will cancel and stop disseminating the alert in the geographical area included with the WEA message.

Resend Alert - This will cancel the original message and provide the ability for administrators to send the same area of effect with a new message.  This could be all clear or additional information.

Update Alert - This will update the alert information for the message that was just sent.  It will not create a new alert for WEA.  For all other channels, if an update is required, we would recommend canceling and sending a new message.

Resend and Update will only be available if the message is not already expired.


Feed History will show historical alerts received from other COGs.