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  2. IPAWS
  3. Administrative Functionality

IPAWS Permissions: Management Guidelines

This article covers what the various IPAWS permission settings and what functionality they provide to users.

IPAWS Alerting Permissions Overview

  • Admin roles are for users that will manage users and/or certificate configurations in the system.
    Alerting Permissions Overview
    • Agency Administrator grants permission to both the user and certificate configuration functions in the system.
    • Users permission allows a user to see and modify accounts of all users in their agency.
    • Update Cert Config permission allows users to see and modify certificate configuration details.
  • User Role permissions allow control over what alerting functions a user can perform in the system.
    • EAS/WEA/NWEM permissions grant access to each of these channels when sending an IPAWS message.
    • Cog to Cog permission allows access to the separate form for Public non-EAS messages with other COGs included as recipients.
    • Report: Sent History allows access to see messages sent by users from this agency.
    • Report: Feed History allows access to see messages polled from IPAWS feeds as relevant to the configured COGs.
    • Settings allows access to the TTS pronunciation customization interface.
    • Multilingual CAP allows access to Spanish Language message sending functionality.


Restricting a User’s Alerting Permissions

  • In order to restrict a user’s alerting permissions to a subset of what is allowed by the COG configuration details, find the Alerting Permissions section partway down the Edit User page. Click the name of the endpoint to expand the section.
  • The Restrict User’s Capability box must be checked in order to apply any of the restrictions listed below.
  • Channel Access: uncheck any combination of channels to disallow sending to those channels.
  • Granted Event Type Access: when this field is empty, the user has access to all event types allowed for this COG. Adding one or more Event Types will restrict the user to only those selected.
  • Granted FIPS Code Access: when this field is empty, the user has access to all FIPS codes allowed for this COG. Adding one or more FIPS codes will restrict the user to only those selected.
  • When ready to save changes made to a user, click the Update User button at the bottom of the page.