July 2024 Release Notes: Updates & Enhancements!

Product Updates - July 2024

Release 24.59.0 - Release Candidate (July 31, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • The 'Use default delivery settings' toggle has been removed from the Delivery Method section of the Send Alert, Sent Poll, and Alert Template forms.

Release 24.58.0 - Release Candidate (July 26, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • A change has been made to improve page load time for Public Content pages.

Release 24.56.0 - Release Candidate (July 24, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • A fix has been made to the Selected Groups list on the Send Alert form to address an issue that occasionally caused a group selected by a search to not display.
    • An issue was resolved that could cause certain data to remain on a form when creating an IPAWS EAS message and switching between templates.

Release 24.55.0 - Release Candidate (July 18, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • An issue on the Alerts History page has been fixed. The ‘Export All’ button now honors whatever filters had been selected and only exports the filtered data.

    • A problem on the Alerts History page has been fixed that previously caused the export of alert history to stall indefinitely when exporting more than 2,000 records.

Release 24.54.0 - Release Candidate (July 17, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • IPAWS users can click the new ‘Export’ button at the bottom of the Sent History page to generate a CSV file of their sent message history. This new export functionality honors any filters applied by the user.

Release 24.53.0 - Release Candidate (July 16, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • The ‘System Required’ checkboxes have been removed from the Custom Alert Form page.

Release 24.52.0 - Release Candidate (July 11, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • The Recipients section of the Alert and Poll creation forms has been updated. The 'Users' label has been updated to 'Contacts'. The Sent Alert Details page has also been updated with this change.
    • For agencies using Zen Desk, an issue was resolved that caused the Zen Desk chat bubble to overlay the paging icons on some pages, making it difficult to advance to the next page. 

Release 24.50.0 - Release Candidate (July 9, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • Permissions impacting Contacts have changed.
      • Administrators with only View Contacts permission in agencies with both internal and public contacts will now be able to view Internal contacts using the new contact experience, allowing them to view the same contact details seen by administrators with edit or manage permission. 
      • Administrators with Edit Contacts permission can view and edit contact details, but will not be permitted to add or delete a contact.
      • In addition to viewing and editing contact information, administrators with Manage Contacts permission can add and delete contacts, access Member List Download and Member List Upload, import E911 data, export group members, and resubscribe emails and SMS phone numbers.
    • The Role page used to create and edit a role has been updated. The permission grouping labeled as "Internal Members" has been relabeled to "Contacts".

Release 24.49.0 - Release Candidate (July 3, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • An issue was resolved that could have resulted in a blank screen appearing after login.

Release 24.48.0 - Release Candidate (July 1, 2024)

Improvements and Optimizations

    • The performance of Previewing Alerts has been improved.
    • An issue was resolved on the History/Reports page that could have resulted in slow performance for administrators locked into many nested groups.