Column |
Definition |
Notes |
FirstName |
Member first name |
Required |
LastName |
Member last name |
Required |
UserName |
Console login name |
Email |
List of Email addresses, separated by ; (semi-colon) |
BusinessAddress |
Street address of business |
City |
City name |
State |
State abbreviation |
ZipCode |
Postal Code |
Location |
lat/long coordinates in decimal format, separated by ; (semi-colon) |
Title |
Organizational title |
AgencyBusiness |
Organization name |
WebPage |
URL to web page |
Notes |
Member notes |
BusinessPhone |
Business phone number |
HomePhone |
Home phone number |
Fax |
Fax number |
CellPhone |
Cell phone number |
PagerNumber |
Pager number |
Email2 |
2nd Email |
AddressLine2 |
To be used for apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc. |
Country | |
UniqueID |
Imported unique member ID |
Required |
Role |
A defined string that indicates the role of the user. |
A blank field or 'ReceiveOnly' indicates the user is not an administrator. Other provided role names must match configured role name values in the system. |
AlertGroups |
A semi-colon separated list of group ids of groups that an admin will be locked into, therefore restricting the groups that they can send alerts to. |
MandatoryAlertGroups |
A semi-colon separated list of group ids of groups that an admin will be forced to include on any alerts they send. |
AssetID |
Corresponds to a UniqueID of an asset. If this column is included, then the user is now associated with the corresponding asset. |
If users are associated with assets, it is assumed that those assets have already been imported into the system. Importing a batch of files that includes assets will process them first so that they can be referenced by groups. |
JobFunction |
A semi-colon separated list of strings that specify a user's function(s) within an organization. |
Metadata |
A semi-colon separated list of key-value pairs, used as generic tags for a specific user. |
Example: bcp=Accounting Plan Owner; jobFunction="Store Manager" |
CellPhone2 |
Non-alerting. Cell phone number. |
HomePhone2 |
Non-alerting. Home phone number |
Classification |
Valid values are 'Internal' and 'Public' only. |
Only necessary when adding public users to the file. Users are assumed to be Internal if this column is excluded. |
MemberImport |