Alert Default Settings: Guidelines

This article explains what alert defaults are and how to manage them.

What are Alert Default Settings

Alert Defaults are rules that define the behavior of an alert or poll based on a certain set of criteria. The flexibility of our platform allows admins to customize how alerts and polls will behave based on incident type and alert type (poll or alert).

Creating Alert Defaults

  1. From the left-hand navigation, select Alert Default Setting under the setting section of the menu. 
    Alert Default Settings
  2. Click the Blue Plus button in the top right corner of the card.
    Creating Alert Defaults
  3. Select the desired Alert Type.
    Select the desired Alert Type
    1. All
      1. This will set the defaults for both alerts and polls
    2. Default (Alert)
    3. Poll
  4. Select the desired Generic Incident Type.
     Generic Incident Type
    1. All will apply the defined default setting to all incident types that are not associated with other default settings.
  5. Select the default delivery methods.
    Delivery Method
  6. Set Related Alert Behaviors.
    Set Related Alert Behaviors
    1. Checking Enforce Security Groups on any of the options will limit a recipients ability to communicate with other recipients based on their communication access rules or the user's locked to groups rules.
      1. For more information see the documentation on Creating Admins.
  7. Set Mobile Recipient Settings.
    Set Mobile Recipient Settings
    1. Mobile Location Sharing Staleness Factor
      1. This is a value, in seconds, that defines how long the system should store user location information for those that have opted into location-based alerts.
  8. Click Save to create your new Alert Default Settings.
    Save to create