Profile Update Reminders: Stay Current

This article explains what Profile Update Reminders are and how to send them out to your users


The Profile Update Reminder feature enables internal members to conveniently update their personal information without the need to log into the system. This service automatically sends an email to the selected internal members, providing them with a direct link to their profile. Members can easily review and modify any of their information as needed.

For users with advanced needs, it is possible to restrict the fields available for updates. For example, you may choose to prevent members from modifying their email addresses.

How to Send Out a Profile Update Reminder

  1. Click on Profile Update Reminder under Resources.
    Profile Update Reminder
  2. Review the Basic Information Form

    1. The From Name, From Email, Subject and Message are all auto-populated.  Any of this information can be changed to your own custom text if desired.
      Basic Information Form

  3. Once you are satisfied with your text, select the appropriate groups and/or individual members to whom you wish to send the email, enabling them to update their information.
    Choose the groups

  4. Once you have sent a Profile Update Reminder, you can view the status of the recipients by clicking Profile Reminder Status.
    Profile Update Reminder - Basic  iNFORMATION

    1. This page will show you if they clicked the link in the email received and if they updated any information.
      updated any information