Single Sign On Login Issues

Check here for information related to Single Sign On trouble shooting

What is Single Sign On (SSO)

Single Sign On is a feature that allows your organization to use their own login path to authenticate you into the Konexus platform. Many organizations are utilizing this functionality, how do you know if yours is one of them?

  1. After entering your email or username you are redirected to a login portal branded for your organization or a familiar portal used within other vendor applications for your job.
  2. You are redirected to an authentication application before you can log into the Konexus platform

My Organization Uses SSO and I can't Login

Unfortunately, Konexus does not have access to assist with reseting passwords or retrieving usernames in this case. Please reach out to your manager or admin for assistance with logging in. 

Common SSO Issues

  1. I was able to login through my organization's portal, but my account was not found. 
    1. Generally, this means that you have not been added to the system by your administrator, you will need to reach out to your admin, internal help desk, or manager for assistance.
  2. I was able to login through my organization's portal but I am stuck on a blank screen
    1. This happens on very rare occasions but can be easily resolved.
      1. On Mobile: Attempt to login on another device, if you are successful, try clearing the cache on your devices default browser
      2. On the Web: Attempt to login with a different browser or on another device. If you are successful, clear the cache for the browser you were experiencing issues with.