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New Feature: Update to Manage Contacts permission

Manage Contacts permission restructuring allows administrators to better manage who has access to make changes to Contacts.

Administrators can now choose to allow or disallow Administrators to delete, view or manage contacts.

Manage Contacts allows:

  • Member List download
  • Member List upload
  • Contact creation
  • Contact deletion
  • Contact edit
  • View all contacts
  • Resubscribe email / phone
  • Geo-coding contacts

Edit Contacts allows:

  • Contact edit
  • View all contacts
  • Does NOT allow deletion

View Contacts allows:

  • View all contacts
  • Will be able to see contact information on the Alert History summaries

Administrators with Manage Contacts permission will automatically select the permissions for View and Edit.  These two permissions will be grayed out if Manage Contacts is selected.