To provide a more accurate reflection of email, SMS text, and SMTP delivery, the status is now displayed in the Alert History.
Email Definitions:
Not Sent: Invalid Email - the email could not be delivered due to an invalid email address
Unsubscribed: Admin Initiated - this user was manually unsubscribed following a notification received from the recipient
Unsubscribed: Email Complaint - this email address reported the delivery of the system-generated email as Spam, resulting in the provider blocking its receipt
Unsubscribed: User Initiated - this user unsubscribed themselves using the link in the email they received
Sent: the email has been successfully sent to the recipient's email address; however, this does not ensure that the email provider has finalized the delivery process.
SMS Text Definitions:
New - A new SMS text has been prepared and is awaiting dispatch to the recipient.
Pending - The message is currently in a queue, awaiting delivery to the recipient.
In Progress or Queued - This status indicates that the SMS text is in the process of being sent and is currently awaiting confirmation of successful delivery.
Sent - The text has been successfully dispatched to the recipient's cell provider; however, this action does not guarantee that the message has been delivered to the recipient's device, as it merely indicates that it has been sent to the carrier for processing.
Delivered - This status confirms successful transmission to the recipients device
Failed - The delivery of the text to the recipient's device has not been confirmed. This may occur if the device is outside of the service area, powered off, or due to other factors that prevent immediate delivery by the carrier. Additionally, it could indicate that the phone number provided is incorrect. It is recommended to verify the number with the user to ensure accuracy.
Duplicate Phone Number - This phone number has already received a text message regarding this same alert.
Unreachable: The phone number is currently unavailable, likely due to being switched off, out of service area, or having no network connection; essentially, the phone cannot be reached by the network to receive the message.
Unsubscribed - The recipient has chosen to opt out of receiving text messages from the short code 38276.
SMTP Definitions:
Sent -The SMTP message has been successfully dispatched to the recipient's cell provider, utilizing the carrier information provided in their profile.
Phone is a pager - The profile phone is a pager
Phone has no provider - The message was not delivered because the user profile did not have a provider listed for the phone number. It is important to note that SMTP messages require a designated provider for successful delivery.
SMTP unsupported by provider - The carrier is unable to facilitate SMTP delivery to the device.
Phone does not have a US country code - SMTP delivery is limited to the United States, and therefore, cannot be facilitated for phone numbers associated with other countries.