Product Updates - February 2025
Release 25.21.0 - Release Candidate (February 27, 2025)
Improvements and Optimizations
- The options to ‘Send Password Reset Link’ and ‘Invite User’ are no longer accessible when managing an administrator who uses Single Sign-On to authenticate.
Release 25.19.0 - Release Candidate (February 26, 2025)
Improvements and Optimizations
- The 'Task List Templates' page and the 'Select a Task List Template' page now provide the ability to search for templates by name.
- Changes have been made to improve navigation on the Contacts pages.
- IPAWS - The EAS section title was updated to reflect the selected channels that apply to that part of the form (EAS and/or NWEM). Additionally, an issue where the message forms would not load when a template with an invalid COG Endpoint selected was fixed.
Release 25.17.0 - Release Candidate (February 19, 2025)
Improvements and Optimizations
- The Alerting/Polls Templates page and the Send Alert form now provide the ability to search for templates by name.
- The Public Signup Configuration page has been updated. The ‘Home & Cell Phone Voice Calls’ section now allows a subset of weather categories to be included or excluded from the Public Signup form.
- The file generated by selecting 'Export Selected' on the History/Reports page now includes timestamps for the sent alert or poll in both local and UTC formats.
A fix has been implemented on the Send Alert form to address an issue where customized voice messages were sent to non-ETN recipients, while ETN recipients received the message formatted in the rich text editor. With this update, all recipients will now receive the customized voice message, as intended.
Release 25.16.0 - Release Candidate (February 13, 2025)
Improvements and Optimizations
- Access to legacy Administration management pages has been removed.
- The rich text editor on the Send Alert form has been updated to allow the message body to be left, right, or center justified.
The Unsubscribe Report page’s informational text has been updated.
Release 25.13.0 - Release Candidate (February 6, 2025)
Improvements and Optimizations
- IPAWS - Support has been added for the event code, ‘Missing and Endangered Persons Emergency’.
- IPAWS - The ability to manage template groups has been added for administrators with proper permissions. The Manage Template Groups page can be accessed from the Admin menu. For further details, see
- IPAWS - A few event code names were updated to match FEMA’s current descriptions.
Release 25.12.0 - Release Candidate (February 5, 2025)
Improvements and Optimizations
When creating an Alert with a text message, if the text message length exceeds the allowed character limit, the alert sender will be given the option to do one of the following:
Provide a shorter alert message.
Provide a shorter customized text message.
Have the text message be automatically truncated.