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Importing Shapes : IPAWS alerts

This article covers how to import shapes from a file or url for IPAWS alerts.

Import Options

Import from a File

Import from a URL

Import a KML File

Shapefile Limitations and Additional Information

ESRI shapefile information and limitations.

Konexus shapefile information and limitations.

FEMA – Distribution Pathways and Alert Coverage

Import from a File

Use the steps below to import your shapes from the following file types:

  • Esri Shapefile (.zip)
  • CSV
  • GeoJson
  1. Click the Import Shape button at the top of toolbar on the right-hand side of the map.
     Import Shape button
  2. The default import type selection is file import, you can leave this option as is.default import type selection
  3. Click the Select File button and select your file from your computer when prompted.
  4. After selecting your file, click the Import Shapefile button to start the import process.Import Shapefile
  5. After the file has been successfully imported, it will be displayed on the map.
  6. Click on any of the imported layers to view the details of the selected layer.imported layers
  7. Within the details popup, click the + Add Shape button to add the shape to the map. 
    Add Shape button
    1. The add shape button may appear on the top or bottom of the dialog, depending on where you click on the map. 
    2. The dialog will show you the full details of the selected layer.
    3. Invalid layers can still be added as a shape to the map, but must be made valid by editing the added shape before the shape can be saved back to the IPAWS message form.
    4. See the article on Editing Shapes for more information.
  8. Once you have added the shape to the map, you can edit it as needed.
  9. When you are done editing your shape, and the shape is valid, click Save Shape to return to the IPAWS message form.
    click Save Shape

Import from a URL

Only publicly available URLs can be used to import layers and shapes.

  1. Click the Import Shape button at the top of toolbar on the right-hand side of the map.
    Import Shape
  2. Select the From URL option from the import type dropdown menu.KML File URL
  3. Enter the URL of your hosted FeatureLayer or Webmap Service in the provided field, then click Import from URL.
    click Import from URL.
  4. After the url has been successfully imported, it will be displayed on the map.
  5. Click on any of the imported layers to view the details of the selected layer.
  6. Within the details popup, click the + Add Shape button to add the shape to the map. 
    Add the shape to the map.
    1. The add shape button may appear on the top or bottom of the dialog, depending on where you click on the map. 
    2. The dialog will show you the full details of the selected layer.
    3. Invalid layers can still be added as a shape to the map, but must be made valid by editing the added shape before the shape can be saved back to the IPAWS message form.
    4. See the article on Editing Shapes for more information.
  7. Once you have added the shape to the map, you can edit it as needed.
  8. When you are done editing your shape, and the shape is valid, click Save Shape to return to the IPAWS message form.

Import a KML File

KML files can only be imported from a publicly available URL. Local file imports for KML files are not supported at this time.

  1. Click the Import Shape button at the top of toolbar on the right-hand side of the map.
    Select  a import Option
  2. Select the KML File URL option from the import type dropdown menu.Import a Shape - Konexus
  3. Enter the URL of your hosted FeatureLayer or Webmap Service in the provided field, then click Import from URL.
    FeatureLayer or Webmap Service
  4. After the url has been successfully imported, it will be displayed on the map.
  5. Click on any of the imported layers to view the details of the selected layer.Add shape to map
  6. Within the details popup, click the + Add Shape button to add the shape to the map. 
    Add shape to map - Selected layer is invalid
    1. The add shape button may appear on the top or bottom of the dialog, depending on where you click on the map. 
    2. The dialog will show you the full details of the selected layer.
    3. Invalid layers can still be added as a shape to the map, but must be made valid by editing the added shape before the shape can be saved back to the IPAWS message form.
    4. See the article on Editing Shapes for more information.
  7. Once you have added the shape to the map, you can edit it as needed.
  8. When you are done editing your shape, and the shape is valid, click Save Shape to return to the IPAWS message form.