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Discover the Latest Konexus Interface!

The legacy interface at admin.alertsense.com is being deprecated at the end of 2023. All administrators must begin utilizing the new interface at apps.alertsense.com prior to Dec 31, 2023.

Watch the short video below for a brief introduction and tour of the newest web interface.

If you are not yet utilizing this new interface, we hope you will take the time to access and become familiar with it before the legacy interface is retired on 1/1/2024.

As a reminder, there is no charge to you for transitioning over to the new interface, and your mobile app access is not impacted. All of your existing data from the time of your transition is synced in the new interface for you, however any templates created in the legacy system after the time Konexus made the transition for your account are not synced. Please contact client-success@konexus.com if you are missing templates in the new interface that you would like us to transition for you. 

Instructions to access the new interface for the first time:

  1. Go to apps.alertsense.com - attempt to login with your existing credentials. If you are able to login, no additional steps are needed. If you are unable to login, please follow the steps below:
    1. At apps.alertsense.com type in your email address, then click "Trouble Logging In." If you entered a matching email address, you will receive an email in a couple of minutes with a link to set up your password (password requirements: At least 8 characters in length, at least 2 upper case and 2 lower case letters, at least 2 numbers, and at least 1 special character (!, @, #, $, %, &, *, etc.). Note that password reset links have a limited lifespan and expire after 3 hours. 
    2. Once you have set up your new credentials, they will be used your access for both the web interface AND the mobile app.
  2. Remember to bookmark the new URL for future login access: https://apps.alertsense.com

Training and support for the new interface:

  1. Watch pre-recorded training videos
  2. Browse our support articles for detailed instructions and videos about various features and functionality
  3. Join one of our monthly Q & A webinar sessions
  4. Contact us to schedule a live virtual training session
  5. Submit a support ticket if you are experiencing issues or need specialized support


Note: the LEGACY Konexus interface (admin.alertsense.com) will be deprecated after December 31, 2023. Please do not wait until the deadline to try out the new interface. We would like to work with you to iron out any training gaps or issues prior to the deprecation date!


Feedback is always welcomed and valued! If you are unhappy, or are experiencing and difficulties or pain points, please email us at client-success@konexus.com or provide feedback to us in this 5 question survey.